Consider Replacing Your Air Conditioner This Spring

Consider Replacing Your Air Conditioner This Spring

Spring is a great time to replace the HVAC system! Not only will it help to keep your home comfortable, but the rebates that are available will save you money. As the shelter in place order is extended, there are more units in the warehouses. Excess inventory means...
End of Summer Care is needed for the Air Conditioner

End of Summer Care is needed for the Air Conditioner

When the end of summer happens, you will want to make sure you get your air conditioner inspected and is maintained properly. By doing this at the end of the cooling season, you will help make sure that your HVAC system is ready for the upcoming fall and winter as...

Summer Heat and How to Keep your Home Cool

  The summer heat can cause issues for you and your family. It is especially hard on young children or the elderly. Make sure to drink plenty of water if you have to do anything outside on the hot or humid days. Another thing to remember is to make sure to take...

Air Conditioning Maintenance if there is an Issue

  You will always want your home to be cool and comfortable. If there is an issue with the air conditioner, you will want to have it checked immediately. While there are several things that could cause an issue, always try to notice the first signs of it. This...
Air Conditioner Systems History

Air Conditioner Systems History

In 1902 Willis Carrier developed something that is used in a majority of homes today, the modern air conditioning system. While he was trying to solve a problem with humidity in a printing plant, he started to experiment with different components. By trying to control...
Hot Days Means your Air Conditioner will need to work Efficiently

Hot Days Means your Air Conditioner will need to work Efficiently

During hot and humid days in the summer, you will have to rely on the air conditioner in your home. This will help your home to stay cool and comfortable in the summer. Make sure that you notice any issues or anything out of the norm with the air conditioner. If there...