The Importance of Changing the Filter

      The filter helps keep your HVAC system operating properly. Without the filter, the dirt and dust can damage it. This happens based on the dirt particles getting into the HVAC system and causing wear and tear to it. The filter will need the...

Proper Settings for your Air Conditioner

  A programmable thermostat is beneficial for your home. This allows you to set the temperature for what you want, when you want. We can also advise you on what type of thermostat your home would benefit from. Depending on you and your family’s work and home...

Maintaining the Air Conditioner this Summer

    In the summer, you will want your home to be cool and comfortable. To accomplish this, make sure to contact us with an issue you start to notice. By fixing the issue at the first sign, you can help prevent further damage and repair bill in the long run.  ...

Having an Efficient Air Conditioner

    Energy efficiency is something that you definitely want to consider when you are updating your cooling system or purchasing one for the first time. This can go a long way to saving you money, as well as helping you to use less energy, which is more...

The Benefits a Dehumidifier Provide your Home

  Dehumidifiers take away excess humidity in your home, leaving you with drier air. This helps to reduce damp and the associated problems like mold growth and peeling wallpaper.   Molds need moisture to grow. They love the humid conditions found in most...

Why the Placement of the Thermostat is Important

        Your thermostat plays a crucial role in your home. It controls the heating and cooling system to adjust the temperature of your home to ensure comfort. You may have never considered that the actual placement of the thermostat could...