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The filter needs to be checked on a regular basis to prevent further issues and damage from happening to it. When there is an issue with it, make sure that it is taken care of as soon as possible. This way the air in your home will be in the best condition possible.

Replace the Filter

The filter should be checked on a regular basis. On a proper schedule make sure to change the filter as well. Keeping the filter in the best condition will also help you to keep the air quality in your home in ideal condition as well. Poor air quality can be affected by the filter in your home. If the filter is clogged with dirt, the airflow will also be poor.


By having the filter checked and cleaned, you can prevent mold and mildew in your home. If it is humid in your home, the chance for mold also increases. You will want to have proper care of the HVAC system to help ensure the air quality is great as well. Mold can cause health issues as well.

It is important to replace your air conditioning filter on a regular basis.  Sometimes you should change the filter once a month, while other times it may be best to change it every three months at minimum. Check the filter on a weekly or monthly basis, depending what your home is like. You can always contact us and we can advise you on the correct filter and schedule for it.