Rochester Area


Twin Cities Area


24/7 Emergency Service

Rochester Area

Twin Cities Area


Knowing the quality of your indoor air for your home is important. The indoor air pollutant levels are commonly two to five times worse than the pollution levels outdoors. Even over a short amount of time, this can cause a severe effect on your health. Improving the indoor air quality of your home also helps to stay healthy, while also helping the HVAC system last longer. Remember to check the filter of your HVAC system. HEPA filters can remove 99.9% of all irritants that are in your home. Also, invest in an air cleaner for your home. These will use electrically charged and washable filters to reduce the pollutants in your home.


Various Systems will Help

With a germicidal UV light system, strong UV rays will eliminate the bacteria, mold, and viruses in the air. The light will clean the air in your home, ductwork, and HVAC equipment. It also decreases the concentration of airborne microorganisms by as much as fifty percent when it is operating. Also, you may want to consider looking into a whole-home dehumidifier. This can help guard against any mold and mildew and increase the comfort of your home. Another option is to have a ventilation system in your home. This will help reduce the indoor air from becoming stagnant and stale. Proper ventilation will also help reduce humidity levels.

Indoor Air Quality and your Health

The indoor air of your home can affect the health of everyone in the home. Typical pollution sources include mold, pollen, pet dander, household cleaners, and volatile organic compounds. Products in your home like furniture, flooring, or building materials may release these compounds. This could result in headaches, dizziness, respiratory irritation, as well as other symptoms. If anyone in the home suffers from asthma or allergies, you will want to make sure the indoor air quality is at the best level possible.