Rochester Area


Twin Cities Area


24/7 Emergency Service

Rochester Area

Twin Cities Area



Having regular maintenance is important. When you have a furnace and HVAC system in your home, you will want to make sure that it is always working properly. You will want to follow the recommended maintenance schedule. If you are not sure when this should occur, make sure to contact us. We can advise you and set up a schedule for your HVAC system to help keep it working well. Anytime there is an issue that you might notice, make sure to call us. Having it inspected at the first sign will help prevent further issues and damage in the long run.

Regular Maintenance of the Furnace

When you start needing to run the furnace more, you will want to have a few things inspected for it. The most important is to check the filter of the furnace system. Regular inspections of the filter will help to ensure that it is in the best condition. It will also need to be clean and clear of any dirt, dust, and debris. If you have pets in your home, you will want to change the filter or a more regular basis. This is because pet dander and hair is more common. The filter can become clogged quicker because of the hair and dander from your pet. If anyone in the home smokes, you will want to change the filter more often as well.


You can contact us and we can inspect the other parts and components of the HVAC system and furnace as well. This way we can make sure they are working efficiently and correctly. We can also check the thermostat to ensure that it is programed and working properly. If the set temperature and the actual temperature are different, this should be inspected as soon as possible. Sometimes the thermostat needs maintenance in order for it to keep running correctly in your home.