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installingIf you are looking to save money and energy on heating cooling bills, replace your old thermostat. This can be done by installing a new programmable one. With a programmable thermostat, every degree you cut back within eight hours will save you about one percent of energy. This can add up to a hundred dollars.

Programmable Thermostats

With a programmable thermostat, you can benefit from a pre-programmed setting for each day and time of the week, and the thermostat will handle the rest without any issue.

Setting it up is easy; all you have to do is select a start and end time for the thermostat and then set the desired temperature for that time. When selecting a programmable thermostat, make sure to find one with an energy star rating to know that it abides by the energy efficiency standards set by the government.

Installing and Guidelines

When placing the thermostat operator on the wall, look for a position about five feet above the ground. Moreover, ensure that the thermometer is away from all elements that could lead to it producing a wrong temperature reading.

These factors can include draft, direct sunlight, and more. This is also why you should talk to a heating and air conditioning professional when deciding upon the location of your thermostat.

Replacing an Old Thermostat with a Programmable One

If you are replacing your old thermostat with the new programmable one, make sure to adhere to some considerations to carry out the procedure safely. Firstly, turn off the power from your furnace and air conditioner from the main power supply.

Following that, you have to remove the thermostat cover and unscrew the thermostat from the wall. Once you have done that, you will have to perform some handy work involving drilling the marker and screwing the wires correctly to the new thermostat base.

Once you complete installing the thermostat base, you can move on to installing new batteries into the main control unit. After doing so, you can attach the control unit to its base and turn the power back on and test the thermostat.

All of these procedures are doable, and you do not need a technician to help you out. However, if you are not familiar with a screwdriver and drill, it is best to contact a professional.

Installing Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats can make your life easier. They make your HVAC system more energy efficient and save you a significant amount on your utility bills.

Not to mention, it also allows you to integrate your smartphone into the thermostat, helping you control the temperature of your house with your phone. By cutting down costs and making it easier to control temperatures inside the home, programmable thermostats are worth the purchase.