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Twin Cities Area

furnace issues


Furnace issues can vary in seriousness. No matter what issue you notice, make sure to schedule an appointment. We can come and look at the furnace. This way we can repair it before a larger issue develops. Even if you might think it is nothing, it is always best to have it looked at.

Change the filter

Dirty filters may not seem like a big concern, but they are extremely significant for the efficiency and performance of your furnace. Since the air in your home is constantly flowing through your air filter, dirt and dust is picked up every time the system is running. These airborne particulates can quickly clog the filter, affecting both airflow and air quality. When that happens, your furnace will find it more difficult to work efficiently. In fact, clogged filters may even cause the system to shut down. This is a safety mechanism on newer systems to prevent further damage to the system due to dirty air and lack of airflow. If your furnace won’t start, the first thing you want to check is the air filter. Often, just by cleaning or replacing your air filter, you can get the system running again.

Check the pilot light

When the pilot light electric ignition goes out, it can be an issue. When these parts get damaged, it will be difficult to keep your home or business warm. So be aware and seek the help of professionals once you encounter problems. Remember, a malfunctioning pilot light may be caused by thermocouple issues, drafts, or clogs in the heating system. In order to maintain an efficient furnace, you will want to make sure your pilot light is healthy. If you smell gas, turn off your HVAC system, evacuate the home, and call your local gas company.

Properly working thermostat

A faulty thermostat may lead to problems with the furnace’s fan or may also affect your home’s comfort levels. The furnace may not be able to warm up your home when the thermostat is not working. You may need to change the batteries. To avoid false reading, make sure your thermostat is located away from all heat sources. This includes direct sunlight, heating vents, cooking equipment, space heaters, and lamps. If you need to relocate your thermostat, contact us.

If your furnace turns on and off quite too frequently, it may indicate a clogged filter. It may also mean a wrong thermostat setting or improper airflow. After checking things like dirty air filter and thermostat settings, have us check the appliance for you. If your furnace’s blower continuously runs, there may be a problem with the limit switch. If the problem is confirmed, that part should be replaced immediately. Furnace issues should always be taken seriously, so make sure to contact us.