Rochester Area


Twin Cities Area


24/7 Emergency Service

Rochester Area

Twin Cities Area


There are several issues or problems that your furnace can have happen to it. You may not notice an issue or the severity of it until you need the furnace. Make sure that you have it properly maintained and cared for before the winter weather hits. We can inspect all the parts and components for you. If there is an issue that starts to form, you will want to make sure it is examined and corrected before the issue gets worse for your HVAC system. Make sure to follow regular maintenance inspections for the system, and it will run efficiently.


If the furnace is not producing heat, it could be caused by one of several issues. Sometimes the burner for the system could go out. This will result in the furnace operating, and producing some heat, but not to the full advantage it should. If there is a part broke or worn out, the efficiency will decrease significantly for the overall HVAC system. You will want it properly inspected to ensure that the furnace system and unit are working correctly. This will help to keep your home warm and comfortable for the upcoming winter.


The thermostat could also be the issue for the HVAC system. If there is a short in the system or a malfunction, you can notice it. When the thermostat reads differently from set temperature to actual temperature, then there might be an issue. With the proper inspection, we can locate why the thermostat is not reading, as it should be. The ductwork is also a part that might attribute to the loss of heat in your home. If there is a crack or dent, the heat that is produced could escape from the furnace system. This will result in the room not being warmed up to the desired temperature you have it set at.