Rochester Area


Twin Cities Area


24/7 Emergency Service

Rochester Area

Twin Cities Area

The filter for the HVAC system will always need to be inspected on a regular basis. Doing so will help to make sure that the furnace is always working as it should be. If you are not sure how often the filter should be inspected, always make sure to ask us. We can advise you on the appropriate schedule, and when it should be changed. You should check the filter regularly, but make sure to change it when you should as well. Over time, dust and dirt can get in the filter and it will result in it becoming clogged. If you have any questions about a filter, make sure to contact us so we can inspect the filter and advise you.

When you have animals or pets in the home, you will want to make sure that the filter is inspected, cleaned, and replaced regularly. Doing so will help reduce the chance of pet hair or pet dander from circulating through the home. When you have more than one pet, you will want to change the filter on a more frequent basis. If you have anyone in your home that suffers from pet allergies, you will want the filter to be changed regularly. If you are not sure how often this should be done, we can recommend a schedule based on your home.

Asthma is another good reason to keep filter maintenance up to date. Anyone who suffers from asthma will be more prone to any dirt and dust that are in the air of your home. When you have allergies, even the slightest movement of dirt and dust can affect your breathing and how you feel. You may also notice itchy or watering eyes, or problems with a dry throat.