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Rochester Area

Twin Cities Area

ductwork cleaningDuctwork cleaning is important for your home comfort. By having the ductwork cleaned, you can ensure the air quality is improved and is better air to breathe in. Always make sure to contact us if you have any questions about the ductwork. We can clean the ductwork efficiently and remove the dirt. Other companies or products move the dirt and dust, which will only make the air quality worse. We can come and inspect the ductwork, advise you on your options, and remove the debris that is in the ductwork.


Debris in the Ductwork

Over time, debris will build up in the ductwork in your home. This can be anything from dirt, dust, dead insects, rodents or mice, and even residue if there is a smoker in the home. Depending on your lifestyle can determine how often the ductwork cleaning should be done. If you have pets or someone who uses tobacco products, having the ducts cleaned should happen more often. You can always call and consult with us, and we can give you an ideal schedule to follow.

Why Ductwork cleaning is Important

The most important reason to have your ductwork cleaned is to keep everyone in your home health and breathing easier. If you notice the air quality is less than ideal, you will want to have the air quality tested. Clean, good quality air is important for your health, but also important for your HVAC system.

If the ductwork is clogged with dirt and dust, it puts extra strain and stress on the furnace system. This will then lead to quicker wear and tear to the furnace. It will take extra strain to pull the air through the ductwork if it is clogged with debris. So always make sure the ducts are clear from anything that could obstruct them, even if it seems like it is the slightest thing. Doing so will help the performance and efficiency of your HVAC system.