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scheduleSchedule a regular maintenance inspection for your HVAC system. As winter turns to spring, there may be a few things on your to-do list. Like most Minnesotans, you may be ready to get out and enjoy nicer weather, plant your garden, or take in a baseball game. Before you start enjoying the weather, there are a few things that need to be taken care of around the house, and one of those is your spring HVAC tune up. While this may be further down on your priority list this spring, we have some reasons why you may want to bump it up and get it scheduled today.

Regular maintenance means Fewer repairs

The last thing you want in the middle of summer or winter is to turn on your equipment and have something go wrong. Fixing what’s wrong can lead to costly repair bills, not to mention the inconvenience of needing your system to work when you need it. Did you know that 85% of HVAC repairs can be prevented with regular maintenance? Scheduling your HVAC maintenance in the spring can save you the headache of seating it out in the dog days of summer or even replacing your unit before it’s time.

Schedule Maintenance & have Lower utility costs

A well maintained HVAC system will keep your equipment running at its best which means an increase in efficiency. Regular maintenance can reduce wear and tear on your system so it will age less rapidly. If maintained annually, your HVAC system should keep 95% of its efficiency rating for most of its lifespan. A higher efficiency leads to lower utility bills coming out of your pocket each month. If you’d like to keep expenses down when the temperature goes up, then getting your system looked at each spring is a great idea.

Longer system life

Just like our human bodies, our HVAC systems need regular check ups to keep functioning at expected levels. When you schedule regular maintenance on your system, you can expect your system to last up to, or even past, the manufacturer’s estimated service life. And in the long run, that saves you money on the expense of replacing your system.

Schedule Maintenance to Protect your warranty

Yearly maintenance is a must to maintain your warranty protection. Did you know that the warranty on your HVAC system can be voided if you don’t schedule annual maintenance and inspection by an HVAC professional? This protects you from faulty parts or a potential break down due to a manufacturing fault. Should something happen to your system, your warranty can protect you from costly repairs – especially when maintained on a yearly basis.

Peace of mind

The last thing you want to be worrying about this spring or next fall is if your HVAC system is in working order. Regular maintenance appointments ensure a professional inspects your HVAC system, identifies any potential problems that need repair, and gives you peace of mind that your home will be comfortable all year long.

If it’s been a while since your last HVAC maintenance appointment, we’re here to help. Simply contact us for a spring maintenance appointment today so you can get back to enjoying the spring weather today.